Category: personal

  • Everyone Has a Why. Not Everyone Is Proud of Theirs.

    I’ve seen enough tv shows to be influenced by the passionate workaholic worldview of police officers, detectives, firemen, lawyers, and doctors portrayed on the screen. These people work late into the night, rarely seeing family, if they even have one left. They are career-obsessed, often believing they are obligated to save every last possible person to absolve themselves of some sort of past guilt.

    It’s a bit formulaic, I admit. That should cause the formula to lose its potency, but it doesn’t. The idea of being passionately engaged in one’s career still grips many of us as a moral imperative.

    There’s no reason to begrudge a person pride in their vocation. To love what one does with one’s time is a gift to be treasured.

    But when our “why” is based on an uhealed wound, driving and compelling us to “do”, we enter dangerous territory.

    For example, all I ever wanted was to be famous. First, I wanted to be a famous singer. Then it was writing books. Then I wanted to be a world famous revivalist. Then a blogger.

    There’s certainly nothing wrong with being a famous writer, musician, or preacher. You get into a fuzzy area when your goal is the fame rather than the work. That’s not loving what you do. That’s craving attention.

    I doubt many of us would feel proud of that impulse. It’s seen as a sign of weakness. Call it stunted personal growth. Or an obstacle to overcome. For it is only when we find something we love enough to give ourselves to that we find the means to conquer self.

  • The Way I See The City

    Every time I drive through an aging urban setting, I can’t help but think of all the farmland that once sprawled over hills, across the plains, and through the valleys. This fertile soil is now lost forever underneath asphalt and brick.

  • Authentic or Strategic Self?

    It’s the million dollar question I’ve faced time and time again. Each time you step up to the plate to write, you have a question to answer: who am I going to be this time?


  • Join Me In Celebrating My Wife, Heather!

    I experienced a lifegiving practice through Cliff, Jen, and Jessie at the end of my Permaculture Design Course. They brought each student forward and asked the group to speak one word descriptions that most accurately represent the individual. Someone wrote those words down on the back of the PDC certificate for each person to take home with them and read over and over again. (more…)

  • Happy Birthday, Wifey

    So, it’s your birthday. I know it’s going to be busy day, so I wanted to start off your day with these words:

    You are on the right path. You are handling your business with integrity, and you are demonstrating the desire and willingness to make changes in your life so that you and your family are healthier, happier, and more connected.  (more…)

  • Pondering the Worldview of a Disingenuous Snacker

    It’s a little disingenuous to walk as I do over to the kitchen 9 steps away, open up a cupboard, and magically pull two little brown bags of food to snack on back at my desk. (more…)

  • The Blog Post Where I Confess My Deepest Digital Fear

    For a guy who has created 30+ different blog websites, you might think that blogging is second nature. You would be wrong. Dead wrong. The fact that I’ve created 30+ different blogs is a shameful testament to the truth: (more…)

  • A Quote That Sums Up My Failures

    I don’t know how he got there, but Seth Godin is in my head.

    Take a look at this quote real quick: (more…)

  • Larry Randolph

    “A ships rudder gives direction while the vessel is in motion, not while it sits in the port. In a similar way, the fulfillment of our destiny depends our willingness to go forward in life, even when we are unsure of the proper direction.” 

  • Is My Brain Just Tingling

    Or did it just explode?

    There’s nothing left to say because I am no longer a compelling subject. And all I’ve ever learned to say is about myself. Since no one actually cares who I am or what I think or even what I will become, this poor fool has taken it on the chin and come to grips with at least some reality.
