Category: personal

  • I’m Going to Share With You What I Believe

    Not because it’s meaningful. Or because you need to change.

    I labor to share because I’ve forgotten how. And this is my returning.

  • Saying Goodbye to Remy

    Yesterday was a very emotional day at the homestead. While laying down in bed with Micah for a nap, Heather rushed in and shook me awake. “Daniel! Some dogs attacked Remy!” Our rooster was attacked by a band of stray dogs and left for dead.


  • Time for Silence

    I’ve taken a hiatus from blogging recently, and have chosen to focus on other areas of life for the time being. I may update sporadically, but for now, if for some odd reason you’d like a glimpse into life at the Potamus farm, stop by and see what we’re up to.

    God bless.

  • Live a Little More – Talk a Little Less

    Most every deep thought I meditate on stems from a quote I’ve read or heard elsewhere. Case in point:
    If you want to be promoted, excel at your occupation. If you want to have a nice house, take good care of the one you have now. If you want people to listen to your counsel, have a successful life so you have credibility (talk is cheap). If you want to be happy focus on what is going good in your life (not what is wrong in the world) and cultivate thankfulness.
    If you want to have a great relationship with God, give yourself completely to Him…If you only seek Christ in crisis than don’t be surprised if crisis becomes your lifestyle. If you want to write books, start writing articles.
    Stop waiting for someone to come along and discover you, take responsibility for your own success in God. By God’s grace you have been given the ability to work hard!- Kris Vallotton
     The truths found in this quote eluded me all my life; especially the “have a successful life so you have credibility (talk is cheap)”. This is why I’ve removed nearly all my other websites. Talk IS cheap, and I have lots of it.
    I need to live more life, take more chances, build some things with my own two hands, and grow some food out of the ground.
    Maybe then… someday… I’ll have something to say.

  • Being “Real” Starts in Prayer

    A little book by Bill Leckie recently shook me out of my stupid complacency and taught me to be real with God first. All this time I’ve been journaling and chatting with friends over coffee trying to reach down into the “real me”, I’ve been fooling myself. There is no “getting real” without first owning up to who we are, what we want, and what we don’t want with our Daddy in Heaven.

    He knows all, so He is not surprised. But we are not free of the shackles of self-protected delusion until we come clean in His presence. It is that naked unveiling of our hearts in front of Another that permits us to be freed from whatever hindrance, shame, or fear kept us from moving beyond.

    I’m gonna let this marinate and see what else God has to say.

  • How to Properly Use Redirects with WP Engine Hosting

    If you use WP Engine hosting, the normal 301 redirect inside the .htaccess file may yield unpredictable results. I have actually lost quite a few redirects that were somehow erased without my knowledge. Per the WPEngine website,

    Using .htaccess or redirection plugins will not handle all redirects because they sit on the Apache layer and thus only redirect requests handled via Apache.


  • Still Kickin’

    Whew! It’s been a busy year! I thought it was time for an update since I’ve pretty much gone dark since January. So here’s the skinny: (more…)

  • Idealism Wins Hearts, Not Elections

    ХудожникХудожникListening to the Republican debates, I find myself agreeing time and time again with the answers provided by Ron Paul. But as I think through the issues, I am bogged down by the realization that no matter how “right” Ron Paul may be, he’s still just one person, and most federal decisions are not made by a single man or woman.

  • 2012 is the Year of Alignment

    What Is In A Name?

    Do you ever stopped to think about what your name means and how that meaning might play into the calling and destiny God has planned for you? I do. Quite often.

    As I wrote my name on my latest journal, I felt compelled to write my full name for the first time: Daniel Mark Dessinger. It’s is a significant moment in my life, just like the time when I transitioned from being “Danny” to “Daniel” in 1996.

    Before I invited Jesus into my life forever, I resented my formal name. It sounded stuffy and impersonal. I didn’t connect with it. Yes, my parents determined what nickname to call me when I was a child, but I kept it as a teenager because I innately rejected my real name.


  • Robert Downey Jr. Asks Hollywood to Forgive for Mel Gibson

    This is quite an appeal. I’ve always regretted the events surrounding Mel Gibson’s reputation crisis because the quality of his work in Hollywood has been so great.

    Robert Downey Jr. has a way with words. And this story combined with an appeal for forgiveness is compelling, to say the least. Downey highlighted while downplaying the significance of Yom Kippur to his Jewish audience.

    “During the Days of Awe, a Jew tries to amend his or her behavior and seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God (bein adam leMakom) and against other human beings (bein adam lechavero).” – Wikipedia

    It is a sacred holiday wherein forgiveness of debts is granted and slates are wiped clean. What a masterstroke of timing and approach.