
  • When I don’t express my gratitude in any given situation, it’s not because I can’t. I’m never forcibly prohibited from thankfulness. It’s a choice. I used to tell myself that I couldn’t be thankful during the bad times. Whether because I feel like it’s not fair, it’s not just, or it’s not kind. Or I tell myself that I’m not glad this is happening. So what? 

    I don’t HAVE to NOT be thankful. So when I’m not, it’s because I choose to not be. And since thankfulness is ALWAYS within my power, there is no limit to the things I can choose to be thankful for. 

    It’s up to me.

    Daniel Dessinger

  • Seated in the Palace

    Between God’s promises in our life and the palace of our divine purpose is always the process that molds us into the person we need to be to stay seated in the palace.

    – Kris Vallotton

  • Larry Randolph

    “A ships rudder gives direction while the vessel is in motion, not while it sits in the port. In a similar way, the fulfillment of our destiny depends our willingness to go forward in life, even when we are unsure of the proper direction.” 

  • Dr. Mark Chironna

    Thought assessment and management is a critical assignment for all of us. For better or worse, our thoughts do govern our lives. In fact, they are the seedbeds of all we do. Our thoughts and actions are inseparable. Our doing never happens apart from our thinking. We then think about our outcomes, and yet all too often fail to realize that our outcomes originated in our thinking. Sound thinking is empowered by love.

  • Pleasing God and Receiving Human Approval

    Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval.

    Romans 14:16-18

  • The fear of failure will eventually result in doing nothing.

    — John Paul Jackson

  • As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

  • The Deeper Meaning of “To Know”

    Today’s terminology causes us believe that “to know” means to Intellectually comprehend. But, this is not the deeper side of knowing. The “knowing” we are seeking results in Oneness with that which is True, Pure, Spirit – God. There is a point in which God’s Spirit actually joins us to Him, and in this joining we become one with God (I Corinthians 6:17). Though we do not become God. It is this Oneness, this “knowing” that is the result of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. This knowing is far more comprehensive that my finite mind is able to grasp. Why? because it touches The Infinite, The Eternal.

    – John Paul Jackson, from Spirit to Spirit Understanding

  • Psalm 119:40

    How I long for your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness.

    In my mind, this is an odd thing to say. How do you long for God’s laws?