Category: health

  • Live Foods = Live Body

    My wife and I discovered live foods on my birthday. Not something I would have hoped or planned for in advance, but a welcome solution to many a problem. I give credit to Heather and her mom. Both have faithfully pursued health with a zeal unmatched by anyone else I know. Sure, Mrs. Nevland has managed to earn areputation for quirky and healthy things like Barley Green, but the presentation just didn’t do it for me. So we’re at a friend’s house on my birthday to learn how to prepare some excellent raw food dishes.

    Sounds harmless enough, right? It is unless you’re married to a woman so passionate about health that she goes out and buys herself a food processor the same day she discovers the Live Food lifestyle. I can’t argue with the logic: live food = live body and dead food = dead body. Before some of you totally freak on me, let me put you at ease by saying that ‘live foods’ are not those which still crawl, walk, fly, or swim. Far from it.

    Live food refers to the enzymes and good bacteria naturally living in foods that are not processed or irradiated. It refers to food as God intended – at least pre-Fall. Why God told people to eat meat after the Flood is an unsolved mystery – thogh some postulate this is due to the changing climate and need to draw some nutrients previously found in plants from the only present available source – animals. More later

  • Anna Sova Paint: The Solution to Toxic Exposure

    If you have time and the ability to read this website, you probably have the money to follow my instructions. Those of you who literally visit your local public library just to have internet access do not qualify. One of my biggest beefs with my parents’ and grandparents’ generations is that they seem to take for granted that conventional wisdom is indeed actually wisdom. They scolded children for following the crowd into misbehaving yet believed it a virtue to follow the conventional wisdom of others without question.

    The lack of critical thinking can play a significant role in pregnancy and the life of your children. What expecting mother wants to do something that hurts her baby or increases her baby’s risk of disease? No sane mother, you would say, and you would be right except for one small problem: expecting mothers are putting their babies at risk over and over due to poor judgment and a lack of perspective. For instance, you decide to paint your baby’s room before he or she is born. You want everything to be right.

    You’re the mother, and you want it just so. Do you go to the store and buy conventional paint? No! Don’t be ridiculous! Don’t you know that conventional paints have formaldehyde and other toxins which are dangerous for months when inhaled, not to mention when first applied? Do you want to introduce unnecessary toxins to your child during the most formative time of the child’s life? I didn’t think so. That’s why companies like Anna Sova are so important. No, I’m not a rep for them, and I’m not an employee. Actually, I applied for a position that they gave to someone else. But they do make good products which are safe for people and safe for the earth.

    Their milk-based paint, though not as simple to apply as conventional latex paint, does not contain the harmful toxins which are found in all conventional paints – including Sherwin Williams, Kelly Moore, Ralph Lauren, etc. Whole Foods Market is another essential resource for hopeful, pregnant, or nursing mothers. Liquid pre-natal vitamins establish a healthy foundation for the conception of a child. Exercise prepares the woman’s muscles to handle the stress and strain of pregnancy and birth, not to mention making the recovery process much better. Organic vegetables – especially those grown beneath the earth (like carrots) – provide us all with the nutrition we need without the extremely poisonous pesticides. The list goes on and on.

    From the toxic pesticides in your new cotton clothing to the ADHD aggravating corn syrup, there are poisons your body and your baby’s body do not have to ingest. Before you give some bogus excuse about not having the time to do the research, take half of your daily MySpace or phone time and explore and Whole Foods Market. Pick important keywords and search Google or Teoma for “organic pregnancy” or “organic solutions when pregnant”.

    Read a couple pages at a time. A few minutes here and there could prevent unnecessary allergies, proclivities to illness, immune system weakness, and many more challenges you would never wish upon the most precious little life you have ever known.

  • Emu Oil: More Than Just a Pretty Face

    What does this cute little guy and today’s image conscious female have in common? Women want the emu’s oil and the emus are trying desperately to keep it.

    Okay, maybe it’s not quite the titanic struggle. But these odd little guys produce an oil that appears to have fantastic abilities. How do I know? Well, I haven’t tried emu oil just yet, but I had heard somewhere about it becoming the next miracle skincare product. Then my wife discovers it online while looking for a better skin product and she goes out and buys some – something like $14 for 2 oz. at the health food store.

    I think, yeah, okay. Whatever it takes for her to be more at ease and spend less time with all the makeup. Honestly, I thought she was still singing the praises of ProActive by Rodan & Fields. Guess not.

    The first night she tries it, I can hear in her voice how impressed she is. She has that sound like she’s being pampered, only she’s just got some emu oil on her face. She tells me that her skin doesn’t feel clogged, that it can still breathe. This is apparently not a common occurrence with skincare. She makes sure to inform me that emu oil penetrate’s seven layers of skin, whereas water only penetrates two. Those extra five are apparently a big deal…

    So the emu oil discovery is great and all. I mean, I guess the reason she looked for something new is because of the one and only complaint I had about her appearance: she has spent so much time doing stuff to her skin that I’ve seen her in green or white face masks almost as often as not when we’re at home. I don’t worry about her wearing sweats at home. I just want to see her face. Funny thing is, her face looks great with or without all the fuss. You know how people are, though – they study themselves for flaws and find microscopic details that other people never notice.

    On the stranger side of things, our cat has a morbid fascination with the new smell on Heather. I see gluttony and lust in his eyes like when he hears me opening a can of tuna. He sniffed her hand and started licking his chops over and over and over. He tried to nibble on her nose when she bent down to nuzzle him.

    So basically, I can’t take my wife out into the wild while she’s wearing her cat bait. I wouldn’t want her getting chased by bears or other wild animals because she smells like a fresh and tasty emu. I guess that’s one of the prices you pay for not buying industrialized chemical products that destroy our environment. Animals are smart enough to stay away from those. Hmm… what does that say about us?

    *photo belongs to