Tag: prophetic words

  • Shake Off the Dust and Move On

    * Facebook friends, please read this entire post at DanielDessinger.com.

    I was reading through a prophetic word I’d received back in 1997, and something stood out that I’d never really put much thought to before. Here’s what was said:

    …. There are many people even now trying to lead you down destructive paths. But I’m saying to you tonight: pray for them. Speak My Word into their lives. And if they don’t turn to My way, dust the feet. Shake off the dust and move on. Shake off the dust and move on.


  • What Is Your Experience with Prophetic Ministry?

    As I continue to “fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of (my) hands”, I find myself wondering what the majority of you have experienced in regards to prophetic ministry. If you’ve attended any churches like mine, you’ve probably encountered it at least once, where someone believes they have heard the Lord speak to them about something regarding you.

    Maybe it was a word of healing. Maybe a caution. Maybe it was a word of encouragement during a dry and dusty time of your life. Or maybe it was bizarre, off-the-wall, and completely offensive or confusing.
