• Soak It In

    Are you absorbing what God is saying to you? Have you taken the time to truly absorb it and allow your thoughts to simmer and percolate uninterrupted?

    Now is the time to take a step aside and revisit what God is already saying to you.

    Don’t worry about getting a fresh revelation from God today. Concern yourself with re-reading and re-hearing what God has already spoken.

    Your only offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word (“rhema”) of God. That which God has spoken over you. It is yours to do warfare with it. To stand firm and declare and agree with. To bathe your synapses in its existence and reality.

    Repeat the words God has already spoken. Stand in agreement with Him today. As we stand together, collectively, for that which the Lord has spoken over us, we will see doors crack open and slivers of light intrude upon our former darkness.

    Be prepared to step into the light today. A new day is dawning.