• Looking for Awesome Blogs to Read

    As I mentioned on Twitter recently, I’ve been reevaluating twitter follows, RSS feeds, and even my very own blog strategy. For too long, I wandered through my adult life, looking for the inside track to success. Whether it was a super secret method of building blog traffic or just noticing trends before they were trends (online reputation management).

    This all goes back to Gary V, and how I believe God put Gary’s message in front of my eyes at just the right time.

    There comes a time in our lives when we discover passion for something. Then comes the time when we choose to surrender that passion and pursue more conventional methods of earning, so that we can be good providers for our families. Then comes the time when we question the validity and eternal worth of what we’re doing.

    There are passions, and there are callings. Not all passions are callings, and not all people are passionate about their calling.

    How did I end up here discussing callings? I started out talking about blogs. This is how my mind works.

    So to get back to my point, I’m looking for awesome blogs to read. Something you’re really passionate about. Someone who writes in such a way as to inspire you. Not just tips and tricks. Not just news. I want unique personality with a passionate purpose. If you know of such a blog, please recommend to me in the comments.

    It is my goal to weed out the dross. Not that people are dross. But I have too much noise in my life. I don’t read enough quality literature already, so the content I read online has to be superior. Looking forward to your recommendations.