• Self-Named Domains Are Hit Or Miss

    I’ve owned DanielDessinger.com for many years now. At first it was going to be a supplemental personal blog. Then it was going to be a professional show-off-my-skills blog. Then it became a simple business card with links to other sites.

    Now it’s the archive of articles I’ve written across a dozen or more web properties, most of which I’ve since closed.

    Think of all the people who actually publish on their name domain, and who do something significant with that space. MattCutts.com, SethGodin.Typepad.com, GaryVaynerchuk.com… There are more but I can’t recall them. So it’s easy to look at the idea of a firstnamelastname.com blog and think it’s doomed to fail, and it actually most likely will.

    But then I have this picture in my mind. It’s not attached to a particular blogger, but I see someone who barely scraped together the cash to buy a single domain and some cheap HostGator hosting, and puts their heart and soul into their self-named blog. Whether they’re writing about real estate or the Addams Family really doesn’t matter. They’re writing quality, in-depth articles and evoking obvious passion in the process. Sure, it might have been easier to remember a nice brand name or any name that doesn’t come off as egocentric. But they’re putting in the work and reaping the rewards.

    I am NOT that person. At least, not yet. I’ve struggled for years sharing my actual opinions and ideas in real-time on this site because of the permanent identity connection. While personal branding is a great thing for 21st century digital professionals, I’m not actually looking for work or clients or followers, but never say never. The prospect of someday getting dinged for something I wrote here is a hard pill to swallow… Theoretically.

    I still have two other blogs out there in the blogosphere, but this one won’t go away simply because I’m not peddling any wares.

    The Way I Prefer To Use Social

    Think of this blog as an extension of my Facebook profile. If we’re FB friends, you’d know that means I share random tidbits, sarcastic self-deprecating humor, perspectives on current events, and questions on things we all share somewhat in common.

    I don’t do it from my Facebook Page, because I don’t want to. That doesn’t feel authentic to who I am. I don’t need my friends and long-term acquaintances subscribing to my personal brand page so they can hear the sage wisdom and sharp wit of a guy they never cared about in high school.

    Nah. I’m just me. Sharing what I share. Just in case anyone out there is curious or asks the same questions.

    If so, I hope you’ll drop a comment down below and let me know.