• Introducing The Fray

    It’s official: one of my favorite bands must be shared with the rest of the world. It was November, 2005. I was brand-spankin’ new to MySpace. Randomly browsing people’s profiles, I came across someone playing “Over My Head (Cable Car)”. I was entranced. Honestly, I hadn’t been moved by a song like that in quite some time. Immediately, I found The Fray on MySpace and added their song to my profile. Then I wrote a blog endorsing them and Radiant – one of my other favorite new bands.

    My blog received 200+ views per day, and I was spreading the word like a faithful zealot. It’s easy to do so when you are passionate about the subject. Of course, seeing how I introduced all of my friends to the band, I felt a sense of pride and ownership that is completely ridiculous and yet totally unavoidable. Perhaps we are pathetic people, but those of us who really love music love it partly because we take in a song and we own it in our souls. It becomes a part of us, and sharing that song with others is akin to vulnerable heart to heart confession. Though the point of this is to introduce more of you to The Fray (who, incidentally, hail from Denver, Colorado), it is always really about this sharing of heart and soul. Rock n’ roll, alternative rock, and even pop rock are so popular because they take our feelings and share them with others.

    That which cannot be said with mere words can be expressed through song. What separates us from one another is suddenly removed and we can know each other without boundaries. This is the beauty of music. And this is The Fray.