• If an Ideal Blogging Niche Exists for Me, Maybe it’s The Struggle

    I don’t want to go over again how weary I am. I’ve been at a loss for a blogging niche I can emotionally and mentally commit to. A less stubborn individual might take that as a sign from God that maybe blogging isn’t to be the most important thing in my life right now. After all, God supplies bounteously according to our callings, right? Sheesh… I better move on to my point before logic and revelation deconstruct my last shred of blogging impetus.

    Then it struck me: what if my niche is the struggle itself? The struggle for identity. The struggle to understand what it means to have a prophetic calling. The struggle between business and ministry. The struggle to end the struggling.

    It “may” be that God has a time of hidden study for me, and I keep avoiding it and trying my darnedest to break out into the spotlight. If so, God help me. I’m more of an attention whore than I’d like to admit.