Category: Vision

  • Our Mandate

    We have a mandate to turn this patch of earth into a paradise. Imagine Greening the Desert meets the Apostle Paul.

    Life was supposed to be simpler. Simpler than most of us live, anyhow. There’s too much stress in the life we’ve built that we were never designed to carry. The simpler, more rudimentary tasks bear the burden of a rested soul even in the midst of productivity.

    There is a resting culture that works diligently but does not panic. Does not dread. Does not fret over what his neighbor has. Building a life that finds meaning in work, because that work gives life and vital support to those in need.

    Perhaps this will only ever appeal to a comparative handful. Perhaps many if not most remain desperate to avoid simple labor. Perhaps we’ve accepted the marketers who tell us we need things that take us above and beyond simple living. But perhaps there is a simpler life that produces less stress, less anxiety, less panic, because it does not try to live beyond its means.

    This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart. 

    Ecclesiastes 5:18-20

  • Settle It Tonight: You WILL Enter Your Prophetic Destiny

    I’m here to tell you that it’s going to happen. I don’t care what you’ve feared. I don’t care what you’ve wondered. It’s going to happen.

    It’s not unconditional, however. You must make the choice. Far too often, we’ve heard a prophetic word declared over our lives and just assumed that “now it’s up to God.”

    We’ve languished in mental prisons far too long and with no good excuse.

  • New Guest Post on God’s Divine Waiting Game

    Check out my latest post on entitled: The Frustration and Pleasure of God’s Divine Waiting Game. It’s a continuation of the theme I’ve been developing here over the past week.

    The general theme here has been vision, pursuit, prayer, confusion, disappointment, and waiting. A thrill a minute, I tell ya. (more…)

  • The Trial of Discontentment

    I woke up this morning and read an old post from John Paul Jackson. The words lept off the screen like they were written just for me.

    My friend Bob Jones says 2007 was the year of discontent. I say that is too light of a term – it was the “Trial of Discontent.” It was a year of trial or test and God was using discontent as the line of demarcation to see who would act, speak, prophesy, or move before He did. Discontent causes us to look elsewhere for fulfillment and it seemingly seizes control of our soul (mind, will, emotions). When discontent hits us, we cannot think, or perceive the way we used to. You see discontent can be a driving force and only those who have God’s agenda can overcome their own – it is one of the great prophetic tests. Discontent is a trial and many have been found, to use an Old Testament term, “wanting.” They spoke too soon, acted too soon, and/or prophesied too soon. Those choices always lead to pain. (more…)

  • How Much Compromise is Acceptable to Move Your Vision Ahead?

    As many of you know, we’ve been looking for a new property for the past two years. That quest has taken several drastic turns (from international to stateside, for one) along the way, and we’ve had our share of weariness.

    Lately, if ANYTHING popped up on the radar, we’ve considered it. We came to a point in our pursuit where the dream had to be revisited. We had to ask ourselves what it’s worth to move forward versus standing still. We had to decide which ideals were okay to compromise.


  • What it Means to Establish a Vision for Your Life

    Mommypotamus and I spent some time this past weekend at a local coffee shop talking over our vision. It’s a vision two years in the making, and we’re not there yet.

    God Speaks Through the Discount Book Table

    Thanks to this book God led me to at Mardel, Visioneering: God’s Bluepring for Developing and Maintaining Personal Vision, we finally have some help understanding the frustrations we’ve been facing. How many of you know that two years into a dreaming and planning and scheming mode, you can start to get a little weary, frustrated, and pissed off when the vision’s not coming to fruition?


  • There’s Something Prophetic and Pioneering in All This

    Hey, everyone… Daniel here. As I began to explain in my last blog post, we’re doing the family blog thing. Originally, we were going to start a third blog for all our family stories, and Heather and I both sort of just agreed that the family blog should reside right here at (UPDATE: The family blog never happened. Mommypotamus kind of became a big deal all on its own).

    There’s something strategic, prophetic, and pioneering in all this. God has called us on a strange journey. I call it strange for your benefit because, honestly, it’s all become quite normal to me. Not to spoil all the future posts Heather may have planned, but one can only endure so many ground eggshells, kale chips, and fermented “stuff” before pretty much nothing short of a live animal on the plate would be surprising.

    The Family Vision

    We have a family vision, and it’s been taking on more and more definition as time passes. Vision is important. Very little is MORE important, honestly. Without vision, the people perish. Without vision, we live wasted, purposeless lives and look back at the end and wonder if all that time we spent was worth it. Each of us has a God-given mission, and the Dessinger family is determined to see those individual missions and the unified family mission come to full-fledged reality.

    I can’t spell it all out for you yet because A) I don’t know it all, B) I don’t feel comfortable putting all that out there before it’s happened, and C) God typically doesn’t like it when we blab about what He hasn’t released us to say.

    Suffice it to say, the burden for that specific house is heavy on our hearts. We’re a significant ways from attaining it. But either God will deliver, or He will lead us to a better option. I’m all for exceeding my expectations. I’m all for the “more than I can ask, think, or imagine.” I have a wonderfully potent imagination. Yay, God!

    Thoughts on Pioneering

    Let me say this both to pacify my own heart and to encourage maybe a few of you out there. Pioneering is hard, often lonely, sometimes maddening, frequently frustrating, sometimes hopeless (feeling), and always worth it if you’re called.

    There are other people doing the organic thing, or growing their own gardens, or starting farms. But there’s something unique stirring here that’s more holistic and, dare I say, supernatural at work here. You see, I’m not so much the gung ho gardener or do-it-yourself permaculture guy. I’m more of the “recognize that God intended and desires us to be whole in body, soul and spirit IN THIS LIFE guy.” And He has given His Church power to accomplish this.

    I want to live a life of significance. I very much respect the Haggertons for all they do because they are forming community at the point of giving selflessly and from rich deposits in both their minds and spirits. Jim Bob and Cindy have cultivated a spirit of excellence over the years that is evidenced by the excellence in which they love and help others. They are pioneers in that they’ve learned a collection of amazing things from various sources and have put them together to provide a unique flavor of ministry that heals people.

    God has given us a vision to pioneer in much the same way. Ours will look different, but we are very much excited to be molded and shaped so that we can make the passions of our hearts actually useful and find amazing fulfillment using our most beloved personal gifts to transform people.

    Let me encourage you to pursue the purpose God has given you. Each one of you will feel incomplete as long as you are settling for a life of something less. I settled for years, but all the while God was working other areas of my heart so that a few years ago I would begin stepping one foot at a time into the purposes and destiny that will most fulfill us.

    I pray God’s blessing on you. I pray He will breathe His breath of life on your hearts and cause your passions to come alive again. I pray He will give you wisdom and understanding of the passions and the leadings of the Holy Spirit.

    Some of you will read this and wish I’d left God out of it. Sorry. He’s so closely tied to who I am that I would be false to ignore it. My heart’s passion is for the wholeness and restoration of the whole man or woman. Not just the body. Not just the soul. Not just the spirit. I want it all. For me and for you.