Category: reflections


    Winter weather snuck up on me this year. It’s apparently going to dip down to 27 degrees Fahrenheit overnight. In the normal course of things, this isn’t a problem. This year, however, we have exposed chickens at play.

    I was so busy working on strategy for a new newsletter subscription offer that I let the day slip by without realizing tonight could potentially be dangerous to the chickens still in our dome.


  • Ignorance Is Bliss

    They say that ignorance is bliss, but it’s really just disease, confusion, and disappointment.

    You can avoid dental exams becuase you’re happier now not knowing about problems and possible future procedures needed. But you’re deceiving yourself if you believe that you are truly happier for not knowing.


  • Toys Aren’t Real

    I am convinced that small children want to interact with real-world objects, not toys. This has proven true with all three of our babies. Toys are these things other than everyday life that are devoted to the singular task of entertainment.


  • Self-Focus Leads to Insignificance

    Day 10 of 30

    As you can tell, I’m not doing so hot on my 30 Day Challenge. I think that’s three days I’ve missed. If possible, I plan to go back and write short posts to fill in the gaps… sort of a penance.

  • danielthepoet’s 139th Picture

    how many SEOs you know are packin’?

  • danielthepoet’s 138th Picture

    Day 29 of GAPS Diet. unlike the last Day 29 which was actually Day 27. or 26. whatever.

  • danielthepoet’s 136th Picture

    face is slowly thinning out. Week 4 of GAPS Diet is almost over.

  • danielthepoet’s 133rd Picture

    workin’ on some AdWords stuff.

  • danielthepoet’s 132nd Picture

    crankin’ out some monthly reports.

  • danielthepoet’s 131st Picture

    i should probably change clothes today…. nah!