Category: Random

  • Psalm 119:40

    How I long for your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness.

    In my mind, this is an odd thing to say. How do you long for God’s laws?

  • Psalm 143

    Hear my prayer, oh Lord! Listen to my plea! Answer me because you are faithful and righteous.

    That cry tells my heart something new. It tells me to expect God to answer because he is faithful and because he is righteous. In other words, God’s character is such that I can expect Him to answer. He is near to me even now, and will not ignore me. Tell me more about a God like that!

  • Process Information Before You Share

    This appears to be a very important step in renewing your mind. One that, I must confess, I don’t always adhere to. Sometimes I feel compelled to share what I’ve just heard because it makes so much sense and should be good news to many people. Of course, the regurgitation of said news is rarely powerful enough to make a difference, and I end up getting frustrated with other people for not acknowledging the wisdom I’ve spouted.

    Take time to process. In today’s blogging culture, it’s easy to spit out any and every tidbit of information you come across without so much as an hour of reflection. Keep in mind, however, that you can’t feed the masses with half-prepared meat. You should allow yourself to digest and possibly implement truths into your own life before trying to help others see the “light.”

    After all, we learn to accept most what we see in practice by others. That’s what real credibility is all about.

  • Hear Me – Listen to Me

    “Hear my cry, O God. Listen to my prayer.”

    This first verse encapsulates my heart’s cry. Hear me, God! Listen to me. Pay attention to my needs, my cares, my fears, and my concerns. Show me that I’m important enough to pay attention to. Be always present. Be near me.

    The only way I will ever be at peace is to know that I know that You hear me. That you are listening.