Month: November 2015


    Winter weather snuck up on me this year. It’s apparently going to dip down to 27 degrees Fahrenheit overnight. In the normal course of things, this isn’t a problem. This year, however, we have exposed chickens at play.

    I was so busy working on strategy for a new newsletter subscription offer that I let the day slip by without realizing tonight could potentially be dangerous to the chickens still in our dome.


  • Getting Beyond The Stiff And Serious

    When I feel unsure of myself in a group, I tend to behave very seriously, emoting very little. I’d give away nothing, for fear of sharing something that this particular group might not appreciate or, even worse, criticize.

    If that sounds like you, take comfort knowing that you’re not the only one. If you feel locked up inside, afraid to share the real you, we need to talk.
