Month: October 2010

  • Wide Receivers = Cowboy Killers

    These wide receiver bobbles are killin’ Dallas each week. I don’t blame Romo or Kitna. Almost every interception I’ve seen this year has bounced off the hands of a receiver into the hands of the defense. This can’t continue. I don’t care how little chance the Cowboys have at a playoff berth. These infractions cannot go undealt with.

  • Wide Receivers = Cowboy Killers

    These wide receiver bobbles are killin’ Dallas each week. I don’t blame Romo or Kitna. Almost every interception I’ve seen this year has bounced off the hands of a receiver into the hands of the defense. This can’t continue. I don’t care how little chance the Cowboys have at a playoff berth. These infractions cannot go undealt with.

  • Wellspring DFW

    What was wrong: Wellspring was in need of some serious rebranding. As you can see above, the previous design did not make good use of space. Various sizes and styles of boxes were employed to call attention to different activities. The color scheme was dated. And the secondary navigation wasn’t visible until you clicked and arrived on a primary nav link page.

    Then there’s the logo. The church avatar actually wasn’t bad at all. If you take the ripple part of the wave above and put it in a box and turn the whole thing grey scale, you have an interesting avatar or logo. But on the website itself, it just doesn’t work with the long streaming blue and the simple font. Some people have mistaken the image to be a banner or sheet rippling in the wind rather than water.

    What we did: We started with the logo. I met with the client and discussed at length the identity of the church, the meaning behind the name, and their existing preferences. They were open to interpretation, so I presented them with multiple comps. After several rounds of revisions, we landed on this look. The green and blue box is split by a body of water, perhaps a river, running through. We stayed away from images of springs simply because they all look too decorative and fountain-y, to coin a new word.

    Next, I gave them the flexibility of keeping the site continually fresh for less by focusing above the fold on event-based banners. These banners link to landing pages providing additional information. As events come and go, Wellspring will be able to keep the site looking updated and fresh by just ordering new banners.

    The site was built on WordPress, as expected. WordPress provides the user friendly dashboard which the client can use to make changes or updates without spending extra budget on contractors.

    The site features a blog, sermon archive, calendar of Jack’s speaking schedule, and list of upcoming events. Coming soon is the church bookstore, where Wellspring will be able to sell books and teaching series online for the first time.

  • Turn Your Next Vacation Into A Blogging Contest

    My wife gave birth to our second child six weeks ago. Her blog has been growing in popularity all year. We knew that when the baby came, she’d have to get some rest. Blogging is just too much to ask of a mother immediately after giving birth. The Lord gave me a strategy for turning her pregnancy leave into a traffic boost.

    Since I’ve built more than 20 websites on WordPress over the past few years, we opened her blog up to guest bloggers and I offered my services for free to the guest blogger that draws the most unique commentors.

    Read the whole story here.

  • danielthepoet’s 125th Picture

    oh my goodness golly!

  • Who Should Leave Comments on This Site?

    So you’ve visited this site before, but you haven’t left a comment. Maybe you’re not real comfortable with blogs yet. Maybe you don’t realize that bloggers L-O-V-E comments as much or more than blogging. Maybe you just don’t know how fun it can be to get plugged into an online community where you can discuss things at greater length than Facebook or Twitter.

    Should you leave a comment? For the purposes of commenting on this blog, there are three types of people in the universe:

    1. Critical Debater

    2. Contributer

    3. Seeker

    I’m open to all people leaving a comment, but types 2 and 3 are ESPECIALLY welcome! ;)

    I say this because these are the types of people who are genuinely looking to help or be helped. Type #1 probably THINKS they want to help, but in reality they just beat people over the head with Scripture and generally make people feel bad. No bueno, holmes.

    How Do I Know Which Type of Person I Am?

    Let’s look at each type briefly so you’ll know who you are in the social system of Read through each description first before you decide which most resembles you. And if you still can’t tell, leave a few comments on the site, then ask me. I’ll be happy to tell you! :)

    Type 1: Critical Debater

    You get angry when people innocently misrepresent Scripture. Or you disagree with them and make belittling statements in addition to correction. You find yourself getting into heated arguments over the gifts of the Spirit what it means to be “saved.” You end up walking away from discussions because you can’t control your temper. Or people stop talking to you because they feel criticized and belittled.

    Congratulations! You’re a Critical Debater. Your comments MAY be allowed on this site, depending on circumstance. But no promises. You are the type who contributes the least to our community, and will be welcomed somewhat cautiously into the fold.

    Type 2: Contributor

    You don’t care if everyone thinks you’re a Scripture Guru. You will kindly provide correction when Scripture is misquoted or misinterpreted, but you leave room for the possibility of being wrong also. You know you’re infallible, and you don’t assume you’re smarter than everyone else here. You respect and honor other commentors, and you genuinely try to provide additional insight and resources to those seeking help.

    Congratulations! You’re the most helpful type of person on this site! Please come back and visit and get to know our community. We want you to provide additional points of view and expand upon explanations we or others might have left half-baked.

    Type 3: Seeker

    You’ve got more questions than answers. You’re here because you did a Google search for “how do I renew my mind?” or a friend sent you our way to get some help. You know you’re not living a life of purity and power like the first century believers did in the book of Acts, and you’re not sure why. There’s some sort of disconnect, and you’re hoping to find some answers. You are willing to make changes in your life because what you’re already doing isn’t working on some level. You’re not sure if it’s safe to put your real world questions in a blog comment, because it makes you feel more vulnerable than is comfortable.

    So glad you’re here! This website was built for you! We don’t consider ourselves special or better than you. But sometimes we get revelation from God, mentors, or godly friends that we know will be really useful for other people too, and we want to share!

    We’re seekers like you, and we’re building a community that helps each other, encourages each other, and corrects each other lovingly and humbly. And we are very cautious with our correction, because we know how many people have been chased away from churches and Christian individuals because of harsh replies and critical responses.

    We aim for the marriage of love and truth. As I said in a blog comment elsewhere:

    But this is why we need a marriage of compassion and truth. Without truth, our love bails people out of their problems and set them up to make the same mistakes again. It is an irresponsible parent who solves all his children’s problems because he loves them and doesn’t want them to experience loss or hardship.

    On the flipside, without loving compassion, truth is harsh, judgmental, and impossible to live up to. We try to hold people to a standard that doesn’t allow for mistakes and we have no viable solution for people who make mistakes.

    Both options fail to produce the desired outcome: parents being loved and healed and restored and children being loved, provided for, raised to be responsible, loving, and godly adults and future parents.

    Truth without love condemns and kills. Love without truth pacifies, enables, and corrupts.

    I don’t think Jesus laid aside His morals to love people. But his love was a purer quality than ours often is. Sometimes our “love” is trying to force-mold people into our agendas. Jesus’ love was so freeing and without condemning judgment that prostitutes, cheaters, and philanderers felt valued, loved, and inspired to repent from old wicked ways.

    So welcome to, and I hope you choose to get involved in the comments on whatever level is most REAL and AUTHENTIC for you.

    *photo by Dave_B_

  • How Do I Renew My Mind?

    When it comes to thinking, focus, living the Blessed Life, and so on, the #1 question readers ask is this:

    “How do I renew my mind?”

    It’s an important question to answer, because we ALL need to renew our minds. The way we think. How we process information. What we expect from ourselves, others, and God. The tone in our voice, which affects people’s perception of who we are, which stems from our own self-estimation.

    The quality of one’s life boils down to one fundamental issue: how do you understand things? Does love mean “like”, “abuse”, “obsession”, “sacrifice”, “loyalty”, “future abandonment”? We interpret the world from the grid of our understanding, and our interpretations are what mold and shape our lives.

    Not everyone who follows a cookie-cutter solution or set of principles gets the same results. But principles are principles because they remain accurate and relevant, regardless of opinion or misinterpreted past experience.

    We all know that everyone needs to read and memorize God’s Word. We know it, but we forget that it really can help transform our lives. God’s spoken word, both recorded and currently proceeding out of His mouth, is full of transforming life and power. You’ve probably heard that before, but maybe you didn’t believe it because, in your experience, that has not proven true. Well, it’s time for you to create a new experience.

    I’ve put together seven steps that should work well for everyone. It’s NOT like a 12 Step program where you can go through the motions half-heartedly and see results. This requires focus, heart commitment, and dedication. There are customizations needed in each of these to fit you where you’re at in life, but this is a great starting place. Ready? Let’s dive in.

    Step One: Set Aside Secular Media and Web Distractions

    We forget that in order to fill our minds with thoughts of God and things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, praiseworthy and excellent (Philippians 4:8), we actually have to have room in our minds for those things to fit. The biggest mistake Western believers make is thinking that a little Bible reading or meditation is enough to experience having the mind of Christ.

    Look at it as a matter of percentages. If 50% of your waking hours are spent digesting some form of secular media (music, Web, tv, video, photos) and 7% is devoted to Scripture and prayer, what is the atmosphere of your mind going to be like? You will resemble your mental environment. So if you are serious about renewing your mind, it’s time to set that stuff aside while you purify and dedicate yourself to renewal.

    I recommend setting aside at least two months for this process. Once you’re about a month in, you’ll feel different. You’ll think different. Your desires will come from a more honest and unique place within you, compared to the conditioned responses you give when you’re senses are drowning in external stimuli. That gives you another month to observe the differences and enjoy being less cluttered.

    If you’re wise, you’ll maintain a minimal focus on secular media even after your renewal period is over. Some people (myself included) have returned to gorge themselves on secular media because they are not able or willing to control themselves and maintain a mature balance. Think of it this way: Jesus isn’t looking for 10% Christians. Why would we give Him only 10% of our minds? Do we REALLY expect to fulfill the callings and purposes of our lives when we can’t get beyond thinking how the world thinks?

    Step Two: Search Out Specific Parts of Scripture to Memorize

    What you need most first will be unique to you the individual. Some will need to memorize the attributes of God. Some will want to begin with statements God makes about how He feels about them. Some will benefit most by starting with promises or with who God says we are.

    If you’re not sure where to begin, I’m wiling to pray with you and help you determine where to start. Leave me a comment or fill out the contact form on the site with some details about your story: What’s going on, what you need / want most, etc.

    Step Three: Meditate on Scripture

    This is a challenge for impatient people. If you’re looking for quick and easy steps to a renewed mind, you’re going to fail. Think of it this way: you’ve been pouring media, conversations, and ideas into your mind for the past X number of years. The human brain/mind records everything experienced. Forgetfulness is not a matter of storage, but of organization and accessibility.

    All those years, you’ve been filling your thoughts with unimportant data that has to be stored. Now, when it comes time to accept that your mind does not work with you to know what is true and good and holy, namely Jesus, it’s time to get real.

    Your mind won’t be renewed over night. What you currently think and believe is the result of time spent absorbing and brain washing yourself to think a certain way. It might not have been intentional on your part, but by repetition and time, you’ve bathed your own thoughts in the thinking of the secular, unbelieving world.

    You know how you can recite over and over again the thing you dread, and your panic grows and grows until you’re hysterical? It’s the same, but opposite, with renewal. What you once meditated on because of lust or pride has taken up residence in your house of thoughts. In order to renew your mind, you’ll have to replace those thoughts with powerful true thoughts.

    Perhaps the best Scripture to meditate upon and memorize is 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

    For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

    Did you catch that? These are the things we are to be ever vigilantly pursuing and filtering:

    • Arguments
    • Pretensions
    • Thoughts
    • Acts of Disobedience

    Step Four: Worship, Pray, Gaze

    Part of renewal involves the “fruit of your lips”. We are created in the image of Almighty God, and He is the Creator. How did He create the universe? Simple. He spoke it into existence.Everything you say has creative power, because you are made in His image. Words go out like spinning tops from our lips, enabled with power and they continue on into the universe. What we speak is largely related to what we think and feel.

    People are defiled or honored by the fruit of our lips. Choosing to worship and pray Scripture back to the Lord is a four thousand year old practice that has never lost its power. Start with the Psalms. Pray and sing these back to the Lord. Also, if you’ve collected Scriptures on the promises of God, remind Him of those as you pray. God is not a man that He should lie. He will fulfill what He has promised as long as we do not refuse to follow in His steps.

    Gazing upon Jesus is an amazing thing we ALL need to do more. Psalm 27:4 says,

    One thing I ask of the LORD,
    this is what I seek:
    that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
    all the days of my life,
    to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
    and to seek him in his temple.

    How do I gaze upon the beauty of the Lord?

    This is a question I’ll be able to answer with greater insight and clarity over time, as I am still learning what this means as well.

    Gazing upon His beauty begins with a renewed imagination. Don’t think your daydreaming and imagination are exempt from this whole process. We are not truly stewards of our thoughts until we’ve reined in our imaginations and submitted them to His Truth.

    Take a few verses on a subject; His holiness, for example. Read these over and over. Read Revelation 1:12-16. Read Revelation 4. Picture your Creator seated on a throne in heaven as described. Open up your spirit to receive and just absorb the experience. This experience will become richer and richer, the more you renew your mind with Scriptures about God’s love, His beauty, and His glory. You can do this for years.

    Step Five: Find a Group of Local Believers and Practice Your Gifts

    No matter what you do on the inside, you’ll always feel something lacking if you don’t step outside your comfort zone and plant yourself into a healthy community. It doesn’t matter if you were invited. It doesn’t matter if you are popular. What matters is that you have a chance to engage with people who are pursuing God as earnestly as you are.

    If you’re prophetic, practice giving words of wisdom and knowledge in the context of a safe environment. If you have a healing gift, pray for the sick and injured in your community. If you have the gift of helps, look for ways people need assistance. No matter your gifting, you can find a way to use it for the benefit of your local group of believers.

    Step Six: Look For a Spiritual Mentor

    Find someone who is more mature than you to talk with / hang out with. Someone you can learn from by just being around them. Pick someone of the same gender. Typically older too. Not a requirement, but it can feel weird at times if you’re 40 years old and being mentored by a 30 year old. That 30 year old may have been serving God faithfully for years and have a reservoir of wisdom and knowledge to share with you, but there will likely be life experiences a 30 year-old can’t identify with because he/she hasn’t lived there yet.  Pray and ask God to lead you to the right person. He will.

    Keep in mind that I’ve had many mentors, and not all of them lasted for very long. Some were temporary stop gaps, sent by God to help me along for a short time. I’ve been walking with an older gentleman as my mentor since December 2009. I think he’ll end up being a longer term relationship. But before him, it was two months here, three months there. No one really willing to commit to something more in depth or involved… possibly because they saw I wasn’t fully ready for that yet.

    Step Seven: Be Alert. Always.

    Pay attention to the thoughts and pictures in your mind. Forget everything you ever learned about fighting devils and demons. Yes, they exist. But no, they are not your biggest challenge. Your biggest challenges are what you know and what believe. You will walk in the level of power and freedom that you have the faith for.

    We’re all guilty at some point of blaming God for not doing something He promised to do. We’ve all been there. Let’s not stay there. The reason we don’t see things happen that were promised is that we do not believe. We do not believe because we believe other things we see and hear more than we believe God.

    A key benefit of renewing the mind is clearing out the space needed for God’s voice to no longer have challengers. When we make Him primary in time, focus, and energy, we hear and obey beyond our past ability. To walk in His promises, we must believe His Word. To believe His Word, His voice has to be more influential in our lives than any other voice.

    Have A Question About Renewing Your Mind?

    I can think of a dozen or more questions myself that spring out of this topic, so I’m sure some of you will have some. Feel free to drop a comment or question in the comments below. I’ll respond to each question, regardless of the quality of my answer.

  • Pure Religion God Wants

    If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

    James 1:26-27

    There is so much here… where to begin? First, by saying “OUCH!” That whole keeping-a-rein-on-the-tongue thing…

    But let’s move on… quickly. :)

      1. Look after orphans and widows in their distress

    I love the simplicity of this. What is it about orphans and widows? In AD 55, widows and orphans were lower than slaves on the economic ladder. At least slaves were going to get shelter and food for their labor.

    I wonder that James didn’t mention men who were jobless or homeless. But then, I suppose he expected those who COULD work to be in much better straits than those who could not.

    Most, if not all, of my coworkers and random strangers I encounter act like they have no needs. No problems. It’s part of the game of being an American. You project success, strength, vitality, confidence. Even the slightest hint of weakness leaves you vulnerable as prey.

    But there are people, not all that far away from where we stand right now, who have no will to pretend. They cannot benefit from the charades. They have nothing. No reason to play games. Sure, they may still be defensive, hard hearted, or spiteful, but these are the least which Jesus told us to love and care for.

    2. keep oneself from being polluted by the world

    And to keep this post legal, I’ll touch on #2: Keep oneself from being polluted by the world. There are very few thoughts on my mind as much as this. Does this statement remind you of another command in Scripture?

    “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

    There’s something about the pattern, the rhythm, the culture of the world. It’s a culture that deafens ears and hides light. There are 101 ways to twist truth and thwart people from reaching their destinies. The darkness of men’s hearts has led them to worship lifeless things. To pour our hearts into fruitless pursuits. Time meant for the installing of God’s Kingdom on earth wasted. Fleshly pleasures pacify while spiritual pleasures go unexperienced.

    The command to keep yourself from being polluted by the world is closely linked with the choice to no longer conform to the world’s patterns. We are transformed by the renewing of our mind. And part of that renewing transformation involves not being polluted by the world. Are you polluted? Are you letting the world speak into your life? Is the world painting your understanding of life, love, marriage, friendship, and God for you? Are you a passive canvas, coloured by the noise of secular culture?

    Or will you take your energy, time, and passion and pour it into knowing God, renewing your mind, and being transformed into the image of His loving and generous Son, Jesus?