• 2012 is the Year of Alignment

    What Is In A Name?

    Do you ever stopped to think about what your name means and how that meaning might play into the calling and destiny God has planned for you? I do. Quite often.

    As I wrote my name on my latest journal, I felt compelled to write my full name for the first time: Daniel Mark Dessinger. It’s is a significant moment in my life, just like the time when I transitioned from being “Danny” to “Daniel” in 1996.

    Before I invited Jesus into my life forever, I resented my formal name. It sounded stuffy and impersonal. I didn’t connect with it. Yes, my parents determined what nickname to call me when I was a child, but I kept it as a teenager because I innately rejected my real name.

    There’s something significant about growing into a name. And now is the time I feel more comfortable with my whole name. Daniel Mark Dessinger.

    Daniel – “God is my judge” or “Judge of God”

    Mark – “Warrior”

    Dessinger – “The Singer”

    Accepting my middle name feels like accepting a piece of missing armor which was made for me but never before used. There’s significance in aligning with the full meaning behind the name.

    I don’t actually sing much these days. I let life get so busy these past few years, the lighthearted side of me had substantially diminished. But perhaps it was laid aside for a time while I picked up the other aspects of who God made me to be.

    Throughout 2011, God spoke some exciting things to us as a family, and we’re coming to the end of a phase of preparation.

    Aligning with God’s Plan

    We’ve taken the direction God has spoken, prayed about it, consulted with mentors, prayed more about it, dreamed about it, made preparations, and are poised to take on a new adventure.

    Our family is on the verge of some amazing new things, and we’re eager to get started. I hope to share them with you as I am able.

    God is faithful. More so than I ever consistently imagined. Stay tuned.